Sunday, September 27, 2009

Making fun of Kanye West

Rabbi Hammer wrote a blog about Kanye West's weird behaviour during this year's MTV music awards. It was already known Kanye had an ego the size of Australia, but most of us figured he had learned his lesson after South Park ridiculed him in its awesome "Fishsticks" episode. (Check out the entire episode at South Park Studios) After the episode aired, Kanye even left an official statement on his website in which he acknowledged his ego had become way too big. Apparently it hadn't stopped growing.

Whether you hate him or love him, one thing is certain: it makes for great entertainment! Just google Kanye West in google images and you'll know what I mean. Numerous photoshopped images have turned up in which Kanye interrupts everyone from Martin Luther King to little Anne Frank.

Poor little Jewish Anne Frank. While hiding from the nazis in a house in Amsterdam she wrote her legendary diary. But apparently Kanye has a beef:

Joseph Fritzl was a pedophile who had built an underground home where his daughter and her children lived. Fritzl frequently raped his daughter. The children she gave birth to are his.

1 comment:

RB_Poker said...

they should make up one with kanye and phil hellmuth =)